Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2022


Pentingnya Belajar Menjaga Shalat di Awal Waktu


Segala puji bagi Allah dan bersyukur hanya kepada Allah Subhanahu wata’ala, dan semoga shalawat serta salam selalu terlimpah kepada Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wassalam, para sahabatnya Radhiallahu ‘anhum serta para pengikutnya yang selalu memperjuangkan agama yang haq ini.

Betapa pentingnya shalat, sehingga Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wassalam di akhir hayatnya pun yang terucap di bibir beliau yang mulia adalah shalat…shalat… Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wassalam pun akan sedih dan marah jika ada sahabat beliau yang tidak datang ke masjid untuk shalat berjama’ah.

Shalat adalah tiang agama dan bagian terpenting setelah iman serta amalan yang pertama kali akan ditanyakan pada hari hisab. Dalam hadist-hadistnya Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wassalam bersabda “Shalat adalah sebaik-baik amal yang ditetapkan oleh Allah Subhanallahu wata’ala untuk hamba-Nya”. Sayyidina Abdullah bin Mas’ud Radhiallahu ‘anhu berkata “Aku pernah bertanya kepada Baginda Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wassalam, “amal apakah yang paling dicintai oleh Allah Subhanallahu wata’ala?” Beliau menjawab, “Shalat”. Aku bertanya lagi, “Lalu apa?” Beliau menjawab, “Berbuat baik kepada kedua orang tua”. Selanjutnya aku bertanya lagi, “Kemudian apa?” Beliau menjawab, “Berjuang di jalan Allah.” Shalat ada dalam urutan pertama dalam hal yang dicintai oleh Allah.



Artinya : “Shalat adalah tiang agama. Barangsiapa mendirikannya maka ia mendirikan shalat, barangsiapa meninggalkannya maka dia merusak agama”.

Hadist di atas menunjukkan bahwa apabila kita mendirikan dan menegakkan shalat, maka sama dengan kita mendirikan dan menegakkan agama Allah. Jika kita tidak mendirikan dan meninggalkannya maka kita tergolong orang yang menghancurkan agama. Bukan hanya kepada kita saja akibat buruk yang akan dirasakan asbab dari meninggalkan shalat, tapi juga berakibat buruk bagi agama.

Banyak kemanfaat dari kita menegakkan shalat dan menjalankannya di awal waktu. Dengan kita menjalankan shalat fardhu di awal waktu maka Allah berikan ganjaran kerkahan rizki, terhindar dari siksa kubur, menerima catatan amal dengan tangan kanan, meniti shirot secepat kilat dan berjalan-jalan di pasar surga. Shalat juga menjaga kita agar terhindar dari perbuatan yang mungkar. Apabila baik shalat kita maka baik seluruh amalan kita, dan apabila rusak shalat kita maka rusak seluruh amalan kita.


Barangsiapa terjaga shalat di masjid selama empat puluh hari tanpa tertinggal takbiratul ula bersama imam maka akan terhindar dari dua hal, yaitu terhindar dari api neraka dan dari sifat nifak.


Masih banyak lagi hadist-hadist Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wassalam yang berkenaan dengan fadhilah dan keutamaan menjaga shalat di awal waktu. Kunci surga adalah shalat dan kunci shalat adalah bersuci. Shalat lima waktu dari Jum’at satu ke Jum’at yang lain dan dari Ramadhan satu ke Ramadhan yang lain akan menghapuskan dosa diantara waktu-waktu tersbut selama ia meninggalkan dosa besar.



200822, 00.11


Gosip-isme (lucu)



Suasana suatu kantor adalah satu kewajaran jika sekali-kali terjadi intrik dan penebaran gosip antar karyawannya. Gosip terutama, adalah yang paling sering menjadi peramai suasana kantor dan penggerak para karyawan berkerumun di jam-jam istirahat atau waktu lowong dari pekerjaan.


Biasanya sich gosip beredar di kalangan level  manager ke bawah, dan dilakukan oleh 87% wanita, sisanya pria,-yang gemulai maupun tidak.


Aku, ehem...alhamdulillah tidak termasuk dalam penggemar gosip. Aku lebih memilih jutaan elektron yang ditebarkan monitor didepanku untuk menyerang mataku –pilihan bodoh yg dipaksakan-. Istilahnya ngoprek-ngoprek, apa sich dalemnya ni komputer?.


Tapi ini bukan berarti aku tidak tahu gosip yang sedang beredar. Ada aja kok yang tiba-tiba duduk manis di bangku samping meja kerjaku, dan bercerita kondisi up to date kantor. Yang aku tanggapi dengan “oh ya?”. Alhasil dapat komentar “Aduch Dien, gak gaul banget sich loe!”. Hehehe...


Suatu hari teman seperjuangan di kantor tercinta yang duduk persis di belakang aku terdengar berbincang di telepon dengan seseorang -yang aku pastikan aku pun kenal dengan lawan bicaranya itu. Tidak bermaksud nguping, tidak. Jarak kami dekat, hanya dibatasi partisi, teman aku berbisik pun aku jamin aku dengar. Itu saking dekatnya.


Aku pun dapat mengerti dan menuliskan ulang bahwa sang lawan bicara ini menginformasikan sesuatu hal yang baru, semacam penambahan fasilitas kerja untuk salah satu teman kami, yang berita ini disambut dengan riang dan sedikit ledekan 'menggoda' teman aku kepada lawan bicaranya itu.


Setelah selesai bertelepon ria, sang teman ini dengan ikhlas dan penuh keriangan dilapisi perasaan iri mengabarkan ulang berita yang dia dapat itu kepada teman satu ruangannya, yang hanya dibatasi partisi, yaitu aku.


Seperti biasa, aku hanya bisa merespon “oh ya?, hebat donk”. “Kapan ya kita dapet juga?” sambungnya sambil pergi, entah kemana lagi teman aku ini akan menyebarkan berita barunya.


Untukku pribadi sebagai karyawan, berita itu tidak begitu berpengaruh. Tapi sebagai diri aku pribadi, yang ada di hati aku adalah aku bangga dengan teman kantor yang mendapat fasilitas kerja itu. Dia salah satu sahabatku, bangga donk.


Tidak membutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk mendapati bahwa berita itu tersebar luas dan didengar oleh sebagian besar penghuni kantor. Setengah hari cukup, berita itu sudah heboh.


Dan itu terjadi dibelakang aku, komputer adalah teman sejati aku saat kejadian itu berlangsung.


Sampai kesesokan harinya setelah kejadian telepon ceria teman aku itu, sore harinya ada sms yang sengaja tidak aku kutip semua, tidak persis seperti aslinya, tapi ini poinnya. “...kalau kamu tau soal berita 'ini', tolong jangan disebarin kemana-mana ya?..”.


“What??!!” hey...sudah beredar loch....dan.... whay me..? kenapa sms itu datangnya ke HP aku yang mungil dan tidak berdosa itu? kenapa tidak ke teman aku yang lain? teman yang duduk dibelakang aku yang hanya beda partisi itu minimal? kenapa aku? semua itu terjadi di belakang aku kok, oh my God...!


Aku minta ampun gemes dengan sms itu, tapi duch... ini dikirimkan oleh sahabat baik aku yang berita akan mendapatkan fasilitasnya itu dijadikan gosip. Aku tidak yakin sahabat aku ini bersms atas kehendak dia sendiri, aku memperkirakan ada instruksi dibalik itu. Sahabat aku ini ada di kantor yang berbeda. Alih-alih mengobral geram, maka aku memilih menjawab sms nya berikut “....kalau memang berita itu benar, bersyukurlah. Tapi jika tidak, berdo'alah. Allah Maha Mendengarkan dan Mengabulkan do'a”.


Tidak lama setelah itu, aku mendengar bahwa atasan kami, -yang kemarin bertelepon ceria dengan teman satu ruangan dengan aku itu- menitahkan kepada para punggawanya untuk memerintahkan kepada entah siapa yang ada dibawah tanggung jawab mereka untuk menghentikan tersebarnya gosip itu. Dan diinfokan juga, bahwa seharusnya berita itu sementara hanya boleh ada di level midle to top management. -*bassee banget gak sech?!*- 😊


Dan lagi-lagi aku dibuat heran, karena aku salah satu yang mendapat telpon interogasi penghentian gosip itu dari sang punggawa. Dipesankan untuk tidak menyebarkan lagi gosip itu kalau sudah tahu. Kam……eett!!.


Bagaimana caranya dia memilah siapa yang ditelpon, aku juga tidak mengerti. Yang jelas sich, kondisi kantor kami tidak memerlukan seorang penyelidik bayaran untuk mencari tahu biang kerok suatu kejadian. Kami masih mampu, dan gampang kok, bisa dilihat dengan jelas sebenarnya. Skalanya kecil. Hanya karena kondisinya terlalu kekeluargaan, jadi semua dianggap sama rata. Dan, aku yakin sang Punggawa ini pun mendapat berita dari sumber yang sama sebelumnya. Jadi harusnya sudah tau kan siapa yang menyebarkan dan harus dihentikan?.


Dan bukan kah dengan sistem telpon seperti itu, orang yang tadinya tidak tahu jadi tahu?


Ha..ha..ha... tambah lebar dech..


Itulah makanya aku tidak mau menjadi anggota kelompok gosip mania. Sangat lucu dan melucukan diri sekali.


Aku tidak mengerti dan masih heran, kenapa sms dan telpon itu juga diarahkan ke aku. Wach... ada konspirasi negatif nich..


Hey... datanglah kau wahai gosip, maka kau ku tendang!!!!!


Sepertinya mereka belum tau siapa yang menjaga aku. Tidak bermaksud sombong, tapi Allah bersamaku, bos…


Kalau mau dirunut, kejadian ini pernah aku alami sebelumnya. Topiknya berbeda, -lebih hot malah- hehehe…, para pelaku juga hampir sama semua. Alhamdulillah semua teratasi dengan baik.


Ke depan, aku akan dan harus lebih siap dan waspada atas gosip-gosip yang beredar diatasnamakan ke aku lagi.


Ya Allah, terima kasih atas pelajaran yang berharga yang Engkau ajarkan untuk hamba. Terima kasih atas kasih sayang yang selalu tercurah kepada hamba. Terima kasih atas penjagaan-Mu yang menyamankan hamba. Tegur hamba jika hamba lalai ya Allah.


Haturkan pula kasihsayang-Mu untuk teman-teman dan sahabat-sahabat hamba di kantor, ya Allah. Tajamkan pengertian mereka bahwa Engkau Maha Melihat dan Mengetahui.






Leuwinanggung 300308


Kejernihan Hati



Siapa sich yang gak ingin memiliki hati yang jernih? Bahkan penjahatpun kalau sedang betul-betul sadar, sangat amat merindukan kebersihan prilaku dan sangat-sangat menyesali perbuatan jahatnya. Walaupun kalau sedang tidak sadar balik jahil lagi.


Ingiiiiiiin…. Sekali memiliki hati yang jernih dan bersih. Ya Allah. Jernih dari perasaan-perasaan yang tidak meningkatkan kualitas pribadiku, jernih dari kecongkakan dan kesombongan duniawi yang sangat amat tidak layak disandang. Bersih dari kedangkalan jiwa dan mudahnya tersinggung karena gunjingan orang lain yang sama sekali tidak penting. Bersih dari ria.


Bukan berarti tidak boleh sakit hati ataupun sedih. Boleh sakit hati, boleh sedih, tapi sebentar saja.


Aku belum bisa menjaga hatiku, aku belum bisa sekuat-kuatnya berjuang berperang melawan nafsuku. Bergejolak jiwaku, berperang hatiku melawan sang nafsu. Tapi itu belum kaffah. Subhanallah, kaffah, betapa ingin hatiku menjalaninya secara kaffah. Semoga Engkau melebarkan jalan dan menganugerahkan kekuatan itu untukku ya Robb.


Jika waktunya datang hatiku tersakiti, apakah itu dari ucapan teman-temanku yang tidak suka dengan sikapku atau dari sikap teman-teman yang tidak suka kata-kata yang kuucapkan, kadang aku lupa bahwa rasa sakit itu juga Allah yang mengizinkannya hadir. Dan terutama jika aku membiarkan rasa sakit itu menyentuh hatiku.


Jika saja setiap teguran itu hadir, besar maupun kecil, dan aku langsung ingat bahwa itu adalah cara Allah membersihkan kesalahan dan dosaku, cara Allah meningkatkan kecintaanku padaNya. Akan pasti terasa nikmat menjalaninya, terasa damai hatiku merasakannya. Tapi aku terlalu sering membiarkan emosiku yang hadir di awal teguran itu datang, baru kejernihan hatiku yang berkilauan itu menenangkan jiwa. Memerah dulu wajahku baru aku ingat rahmatMu. Duch..


Andai kejernihan hati itu mendahului segalanya, semakin cepat besarlah kecintaanku padaMu ya Allah.


Robb, semoga Engkau mengijabah permohonanku, untuk menjadikanku hambaMu yang jernih hati. Amien.



230908, 04.46


Meraih Ilmu dengan Perjuangan dan Pengorbanan

Sesungguhnya segala sesuatu datangnya dari Allah Subhanallahu wata’ala melalui Baginda Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wassalam. Allah menetapkan syariat agama Islam untuk hamba-Nya melalui Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wassalam. Kemudian Beliau Shallallahu ‘alaihi wassalam mengajarkannya kepada umatnya, yaitu kepada sahabat, sahabat kepada tabiin hingga sampai kepada ummat akhit zaman. Begitulah cara ilmu mengalir sampai kepada kita sekarang ini.


Islam mewajibkan umatnya untuk menuntut ilmu, dari mulai lahir sampai akhir hayatnya.


“Menuntut ilmu wajib atas setiap Muslim”. (Hr. Ibnu Majah)

Mengapa menuntut itu wajib? Karena segala sesuatu yang kita lakukan jika tidak disertai dengan ilmu, maka itu akan menjadi suatu hal sia-sia. Dalam segi agama semua ibadah dan amalan-amalan yang kita lakukan harus disertai dengan ilmu. Jika hendak shalat, maka kita harus tahu tata cara atau rukun shalat. Bagaimana cara berwudhu yang diajarkan Rasulullah Shalallahu ‘alaihi wassalam, ada berapa rakaat-rakaat shalat, yang hendak kita jalankan shalat wajib atau shalat sunnah?. Kemudian melaksanakan puasa, kitapun harus tahu yang mana puasa wajib dan puasa sunnah, serta kapan melaksanakannya.

Dalam lingkungan sosial pun kita memerlukan ilmu untuk dapat berbaur dengan orang lain. Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wassalam mengajarkan kita untuk memuliakan ulama, menghargai sesama dan menyayangi yang lebih muda. Beliau Shallallahu ‘alaihi wassalam juga mengajarkan kita mengenai adab-adab memuliakan sesama muslim.

Semua hal yang kita lakukan haruslah disertai dengan ilmu yang di ajarkan Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wassalam, sehingga amalan ibadah dan perbuatan kita bernilai ibadah dan diganjar pahala oleh Allah Subhanallahu wata’ala.

Allah Subhanallahu wata’ala meninggikan derajat bagi orang-orang yang berilmu;



Hai orang-orang beriman apabila dikatakan kepadamu: “Berlapang-lapanglah dalam majlis”, maka lapangkanlah niscaya Allah akan memberi kelapangan untukmu. Dan apabila dikatakan: “Berdirilah kamu”, maka berdirilah, niscaya Allah akan meninggikan orang-orang yang beriman di antaramu dan orang-orang yang diberi ilmu pengetahuan beberapa derajat. Dan Allah Maha Mengetahui apa yang kamu kerjakan. (Qs. Al Mujadalah: 11)


Pintu-pintu ilmu diantaranya adalah mendatangi para ulama. Banyak bertanya kepada ulama mengenai hal-hal yang berkenaan dengan agama, baik mengenai ibadah maupun kehidupan sehari-hari. Kemudian bergaul dengan orang-orang sholeh. Sehingga kita akan mendapatkan pancaran kesholehannya. Dan pintu ilmu berikutnya adalah sering-seringlah kita menghadiri majelis ilmu. Majelis ilmu merupakan sunnahnya Baginda Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wassalam. Di dalamnya bertebar keberkahan, sakinah, tempat berkumpulnya para malaikat yang bersyaf-syaf sampai ke Arsy-nya Allah Subhanallahu wata’ala. Terdapat janji Allah Subhanallahu wata’ala diampuninya dosa-dosa kita jika kita menghadiri majelis ilmu. Barangsiapa memudahkan langkahnya menuju majelis ilmu, maka Allah mudahkan langkahnya menuju surga.

Contohlah pada Nabi dan para ulama dalam menuntut ilmu. Seberapa jauh dan seberapa besar perjuangan beliau-beliau dalam mendapatkan ilmu.


Amatilah bagaimana perjuangan dan pengorbanan keluarga Nabi Ibrahim ‘alaihissalam dalam mendapatkan ilmu agama Allah. Nabi Ibrahim ‘alaihissalam sampai rela dibakar Raja Namrud demi memperjuangkan agama Allah. Siti Hajar rela ditinggalkan ditengah padang pasir yang tandus, tanpa makanan dan kehausan berlari dari Syofa ke Marwah demi mendapatkan air untuk dirinya dan anaknya, Nabi Ismail ‘alaihissalam. Tangisan Nabi Ismail ‘alaihissalam sampai mengundang turun Malaikat Jibril dan menggali sumur Zamzam. Nabi Ismail ‘alaihissalam pun rela disembelih oleh ayahnya, Nabi Ibrahim ‘alaihisalam demi menaati perintah Allah Subhanallahu wata’ala. Dari perjuangan dan pengorbanan keluarga Nabi Ibrahim ‘alaihissalam inilah kita mendapatkan keberkahan ilmu mengenai rukun haji dan berqurban.


Kemudian contoh perjuangan keluarga dalam menuntut berikutnya adalah keluarga Imam Bukhori rahmatullah ‘alaih.

Keluarga Imam Bukhori rahmatullah’alaih merupakan keluarga yang kaya raya. Namun kekayaannya dihabiskan oleh Ibundanya untuk memenuhi keperluan menuntut ilmu bagi Imam Bukhori rahmatullah’alaih. Ibunda Imam Bukhori menghantar beliau dari satu ulama ke ulama yang lain, dan dari satu negara ke negara yang lain. Sehingga menjadilah putranya, yaitu Imam Bukhori rahmatullah’alaih menjadi ulama perawi hadist terkenal di dunia. Yang keberkahan ilmunya tersebar dan selalu digunakan setiap pelajar atau santri yang menuntut ilmu agama hingga saat sekarang ini.


Tanpa perjuangan dan pengorbanan dalam menuntut ilmu kita tidak akan mendapatkan keberkahan ilmu.



Malika Al Faroq

20/8/2022, 19.55

Jumat, 12 Agustus 2022

15 Female National Heroes in Indonesia

Etymologically the word "hero" comes from the Sanskrit "phala", which means result or fruit. According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, a hero means someone who has courage and sacrifice in defending the truth for the nation, state and religion or a brave warrior.

National Hero is the highest award title in Indonesia. This posthumous title or title given to people who have died is given by the Government of Indonesia as a real act that is very meritorious and exemplary for the community.

From the presidential decree, there are 159 Indonesian heroes and 12 of them are female national heroes, including:

1.Cut Nyak Dhien – Aceh

cut nyak dien

Cut Nyak Dhien is one of the Indonesian women's national heroes who was born on Tuesday, 0-1-1848 in Lampadang, Aceh. Cut Nyak Dhien comes from a religious noble family who is a direct descendant of the Sultan of Aceh, namely Teuku Nanta Seutia, an uleebalang VI Mukim.

At the age of 12, in 1862,  his parents married Teuku Cek Ibrahim Lamnga, the son of uleebalang Lamnga XIII and they had one son. 

The period of struggle against the Dutch

On March 26, 1873, the Dutch declared war on Aceh and began firing cannon fire at the mainland of Aceh. On April 8, 1873, the Dutch took control of the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque and burned it and the area of ​​VI Mukim was successfully occupied by the Dutch which eventually made her husband, Teuku Ibrahim  fight to seize the area of ​​VI Mukim. 

But unfortunately Teuku Ibrahim died in the war at Gle Tarum, June 29, 1878, this made Cut Nyak Dhien angry and vowed to destroy the Netherlands and continue his husband's struggle to lead the war. After Cut Nyak Dhien became a widow, Teuku Umar, one of the Aceh fighters, asked him to be his wife and partner in the struggle because he was very impressed with the spirit of Cut Nyak Dhien, they married in 1880 and had a child named Cut Gambang.

Together with Teuku Umar, Cut Nyak Dhien rebuilt strength and raised the morale of Aceh's struggle against the Dutch in a number of places, they were both a husband and wife who were dangerous to Dutch rule in Aceh.

But fate said otherwise, on February 11, 1899 Teuku Umar was found dead in the war and made Cut Nyak Dhien's troops weaker due to continuous pressure from the Dutch. In addition, Cut Nyak Dhien's physical condition and health continued to decline until the Dutch finally caught him in Beutong Le Sageu. To avoid Cut Nyak Dhien's influence on Aceh, the Dutch exiled him to Sumedang.

End of life

Cut Nyak Dhien who was old and had vision problems managed to attract the attention of the prisoners and the regent of Suriaatmaja in his exile, some of the clerics who were detained with Cut Nyak Dhien realized that she was a Muslim woman who was an expert in Islamic religious knowledge, so she was dubbed the "Mother of Perbu". "

Cut Nyak Dhien's activities had a great influence in Sumedang, he taught Islam and kept his identity a secret as a daughter of the sultan from Aceh. On November 6, 1908, Ibu Perbu died. Cut Nyak Dhien was recognized by President Soekarno as a National Hero of Indonesia through Presidential Decree No.106 of 1964 on 2 May 1964.

2. Cut Nyak Meutia – Aceh

cut meutiaCut Nyak Meutia is a national hero from Aceh who was born in Keureutoe, Pirak, North Aceh 1870. She is known as a woman who has a high fighting spirit and a strong determination to repel 

Struggle Time

Cut Nyak Meutia against the Dutch with her husband, namely Teuku Muhammad or better known as Teuku Tjik Tunong. They were husband and wife as well as partners in the solid struggle against the Dutch. Until finally in March 1905, Teuku Tjik Tunong was arrested by the Dutch and sentenced to death on the shores of Lhokseumawe. Before he died, he left a message to his friend Pang Nagroe to marry his wife and take care of his child.

According to her late husband's message, Cut Nyak Meutia married Pang Nagroe and joined forces led by Teuku Muda Gantoe to fight the Dutch. But unfortunately, on September 26, 1910 Pang Nagroe died in the battle against the Marechausee Corps in Paya Cicem. Cut Nyak Meutia managed to survive with the other women and fled into the forest.

End of life

After the death of her second husband, Cut Nyak Meutia continued to fight against the Dutch along with her followers. They tried to attack and seize colonial posts all the way to Gayo through the jungle. However, during the battle in Alue Kurieng on October 24, 1910, a bullet was shot and declared dead. For all his services, the government awarded him the title of National Hero of Indonesia based on the Presidential Decree No. 107 of 1964 on May 2, 1964. His heroic story also fueled the spirit of the Indonesian people in fighting  the G30S/PKI 1965 incident .

3. Raden Ajeng Kartini – Jepara

raden ajeng kartini

Raden Ajeng Kartini is a female fighter from Jepara who is very famous in Indonesia. She is known as a woman who is persistent in fighting for women's emancipation. Kartini was born in Jepara, April 21, 1879. Her birthday is commemorated as Kartini Day, to honor all her services to the Indonesian nation.

Kartini is a descendant of a noble family, her father is RM Sosroningrat who served as regent of Jepara. His mother is MA Ngasirah, the son of a kiai in Telukawur, Jepara City. Kartini received education until the age of 12 at ELS (Europese Lagere School). After the age of 12, Kartini had to stay at home because she could be secluded.

Struggle Time

Kartini felt a lot of discrimination between men and women, where she and other women could not continue their education to a higher level, there were even some women who were not allowed to get an education at all. During her seclusion, Kartini liked to write letters to her correspondent friends from the Netherlands, one of whom was Rosa Abendanon. Kartini was interested in the progress and mindset of European women after reading a lot of European books, newspapers and magazines. Kartini's desire arose to promote indigenous women like European women, because at that time indigenous women were in a low social status.

End of life

On November 12, 1903, at the age of 24, his parents married the regent of Rembang, namely KRM Adipati Ario Singgih Djojo Adhiningrat and had one son, Soesalit Djojodhiningrat. Kartini died 4 days after giving birth to her first child.

Kartini's death did not end her struggle as a pioneer of women's emancipation, one of her themes in the Netherlands was, Abendanon collected all the letters that Kartini had sent to her friends in Europe. Abendanon recorded the entire letter and entitled Door Duisternis tot Licht which means "From Darkness to Light", published in 1911 in Dutch.

In 1922, Balai Pustaka published a translated version of this book from Abendon with the title "Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang: Buah Fikiran" with Malay dangers. Several translations in other languages ​​were also published, so that no one would forget the history of RA Kartini's struggle during her lifetime. For his struggle, the government awarded the title of National Hero of Indonesia to RA Karini based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No. 108 of 1964 on May 2, 1964.

4. Raden Dewi Sartika – West Java

goddess sartikaRaden Dewi Sartika, is one of the pioneers of education for women. He was born in Bandung, December 4, 1884 to Raden Somanegara and Raden Ayu Permas.

Struggle Time

She started her struggle at the age of 18 by teaching reading, writing, cooking and sewing to the women in her town. On July 16, 1904, Raden Dewi Sartika founded Sakola Istri or Sakola Perempuan. In 1904, Sakola Istri changed its name to Sakola Keutamaan Istri and in 1929, Sakola changed its name again to Sakola Raden Dewi.

In addition to being spread in the city of Pasundan district, Raden Dewi School also spreads outside Java. Dewi Sartika tries hard to educate the girls so that one day they can become good, intelligent, flexible, skilled housewives and will be able to stand on their own in the future. To cover the school's operational costs, Dewi Sartika is trying to find donations of funds and moreover there are many parties who support her struggle, especially her husband, Raden Kanduruan Agah Suriawinata.

Dewi Kartika's name is widely known by the public as an educator, especially among women. On January 16, 1939, the Dutch East Indies government awarded Dewi Sartika a star for her services in advancing the education of women.

End of life

Dewi Sartika breathed her last in Tasikmalaya, September 11, 1947. For her struggle in educating the nation, she was given an honorary title as a National Hero of Indonesia, on December 1, 1966.

5. Martha Christina Tiahahu – Maluku

Martha ChristinaMartha Christina Tiahalu is a female warrior who was born in Maluku, January 4, 1800. Christina is the daughter of Kapitan Paulus Tiahahu, who also participated in the Patimura war against the Dutch in 1817.

Struggle Time

Since childhood, Martha often followed her father in meetings for the formation of fortifications, when she was 17 years old, Martha had the courage to fight against the invaders.

Martha Christina also acted as the leader of the female fighters to accompany the male fighters in the mission to seize the Dutch territory in the village of Ouw, Ulath, Saparua Island. Richemont, a Dutch role leader was killed by Martha Cristina's troops. With the death of the Dutch leader, the invaders became increasingly angry and continued to attack the Moluccan people so that the Moluccan troops were defeated. As a consequence, Martha Christina's father was caught and sentenced to death.

Martha Christina also tried to free her father, but unfortunately she and the Maluku fighters were captured by the Dutch. Until finally, Kapitan Paulus Tiahahu died with the death penalty.

End of life

Furthermore, Martha Christina was sentenced and exiled to the island of Java. Until finally on January 2, 1818, Martha Christina died on the way to the island of Java and her body was simply thrown into the ocean. For her struggle and courage in fighting the invaders, Martha Christina was given an honorary title as a National Hero of Indonesia, according to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No.012/TK/Year 1969, dated May 20, 1969.

6. Maria Walanda Maramis – Minahasa

Maria MaramisMaria Walanda Maramis is a women's movement that was born in Kema, North Sulawesi on December 1, 1872. Since the age of six, Maria Maramis has been an orphan and was raised by her uncle. Maria's education was only taken up to elementary school, because girls in Minahasa at that time were not allowed to receive higher education.

Struggle Time

Maria was able to expand her knowledge because she liked to associate with educated people, such as Reverend Ten Hove. Little Maria is determined to advance Minahasa women by getting adequate education, so that later they can take care of the household and educate their children well.

In 1890, Maria Maramis married Yoseph Frederik Calusung Walanda who was a teacher. With the help of her husband and other students, in July 1917 Maria Walanda Maramis founded an organization called Percintaan Ibu to Her Derived Children (PIKAT), which taught how to manage the household such as cooking, sewing, caring for babies and handwork.

PIKAT received a good response from the community, in a short time PIKAT branches were established in several places and donations of funds began to flow. Maria Maramis instills a sense of nationality in her students, by getting them used to school wearing regional clothes.

End of life

Maria Walanda Maramis died on April 22, 1924 in Maumbi. He received an honorary title as a National Hero of Indonesia for his struggle in educating the nation's generation in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No. 012/K/1969 dated May 20, 1969.

7. Nyai Hj. Siti Walidah Ahmad Dahlan – Yogyakarta

Nyai Ahmad DahlanSiti Walidah or commonly known as Nyai Ahmad Dahlan, born in Yogyakarta in 1872, is a descendant of a family of Islamic religious leaders and the official head of the Keraton, Kyai Haji Fadhil. Since childhood, Siti Walidah did not receive a general education, except for the religious education she received from her parents.

Siti Walidah is married to her cousin, namely Kiyai Haji Ahmad Dahlan and has six children. After the marriage, he was known as Nyi Ahmad Dahlan. Kiyai Haji Ahmad Dahlan is a religious leader with revolutionary thoughts, and is often criticized and opposed for his conversion.

Struggle Time

Nyai Ahmad Dahlan has a broad view of knowledge, due to her proximity to Muhammadiyah figures and other national leaders as well as her husband's comrades in arms.

In 1914, Nyai Ahmad Dalam started the Sopo Tresno women's study group. Sopo Tresno became a women's organization based on Islam. Finally, the name Aisyah was chosen, as an Islamic organization for women on the night of Isra Mi'raj, April 22, 1917. Five years later, Aisyah officially became part of Muhammadiyah.

End of life

On May 31, 1946, Nyai Ahmad Dahlan died. To honor all of his services in spreading Islam and educating women, the government awarded Nyai Ahmad Dahlan an honorary title as a National Hero of Indonesia based on Presidential Decree No. 042/TK/1971.

8. Nyi Ageng Serang – Yogyakarta

Nyi Ageng AttackThe owner's full name, Raden Ageng Kustiah Retno Edi, is a war strategist who was born in Serang 1752. Even though she is a woman, she is also capable of being a warlord. His father was Prince Natapraja, the Regent of Serang, Yogyakarta, also known as Panembahan Serang. Since childhood, Nyi Ageng Serang had a high sense of nationalism to expel the Dutch from the motherland.

Struggle Time

In the 19th century, the Dutch began to attack the land of Java and began to demean the Javanese kings and make the people's situation even more miserable because there was a lot of plundering of people's lands so that the Diponegoro war (1825-1830) also made Nyi Ageng Serang (age 73 years old) ) as an elder in the war.

Age did not prevent Nyi Ageng in the war, in fact he led his troops directly during the guerrilla war in Beku village, Kulon Progo district. The strategy adopted by Nyi Ageng in the war, made Prince Diponegoro appoint him as an advisor, on a par with Prince Mangkubumi and Prince Joyokusumo in war tactics.

End of life

Due to his physical weakness, Nyi Ageng finally resigned from the battlefield and settled in the Nataprajan family home in Yogyakarta until he died in 1828 at the age of 76 due to illness. For her services in defending the country, Nyi Ageng Serang was given the title of National Hero of Indonesia based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No. 084/TK/Year 1974, dated December 13, 1974.

9. Hj. Rangkayo Rasuna Said – Jakarta

Rasuna SaidHajjah Rangkayo Rasuna Said is a female fighter who is persistent in fighting for equal rights between men and women. Since childhood, Rasuna Said has received Islamic education in Islamic boarding schools and is interested in participating in political struggles. Then Rasuna Said defended his people by joining the Sarekat Rakyat as branch secretary. After that, he became a member of the Indonesian Muslim Association.

Struggle Time

Rasuna Said is considered a woman who has a critical way of thinking, which led to the Dutch government imprisoning her in 1932. In addition, she is also noted as the first woman to be sentenced to Speek Delict, which is a law from the Dutch government for anyone who speaks against the Dutch.

After Indonesian independence, Rasuna Said was active in the Indonesian Youth Information Agency and the Indonesian National Committee, sitting as the Sumatran Representative Council representing the West Sumatra region after the Proclamation of Independence and after that he was appointed as a member of the United States of Indonesia House of Representatives (DPR RIS). In 1959, Rasuna Said succeeded in achieving his political career as a member of the Supreme Advisory Council after a presidential decree 5 July 1959.

End of life

Rasuna Said served as a member of the Supreme Advisory Council until the end of his life, November 2, 1965 in Jakarta, leaving behind a daughter (Auda Zaschkya Duski) and 6 grandchildren (Kurnia Tiara Agusta, Anugerah Mutia Rusda, Moh. Ibrahim, Moh. Yusuf, Rommel Abdillah and Natasha). Quratul'Ain). For all his services, Rasuna Said was given an honorary title as a National Hero of Indonesia based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No. 084/TK/Year 1974 dated December 13, 1974.

10.Hj. Fatimah Siti Hartinah Suharto – Central Java

Siti HartinahHj. RA Fatimah Siti Hartinah or better known as Tien Suharto is the wife of the second President of Indonesia, General Retired Suharto. Tien was born in Jaten Village, Surakarta, Central Java on August 23, 1923 to KPH Soemoharjomo and RA Hatmanti Hatmohoedjo.

Since childhood, Tien has been accustomed to changing places of residence following his parents who were assigned to various regions, having lived in Jumapolo Solo, Matesih Gunung Lawu, Solo city and had studied at Holland Indlanche School for a year.

Struggle Time

After the Japanese entered the city of Sola, Tien also took a Japanese language course and joined Laskar Putri Indonesia, a women's organization that aims to serve the interests of the front and rear troops of the struggle.

At the age of 23, Prawirowihardjo's envoy who was Suharto's adoptive parent came to Tien's house to propose to him. Tien and Suharto married on December 26, 1947. Suharto, who was then a military officer, brought his wife to Yogyakarta for duty. On January 23, 1949, Tien gave birth to her first daughter, Siti Hardiyanti Hastuti.

Over time, Tien as a wife always supported and accompanied her husband, who became the central figure in the effort to disband the PKI. In 1967, through a special session of the MPRS, Suharto was appointed president, and Tien, who was a soldier's wife, has now been the president's wife for more than 30 years.

As Mrs. President, Tien is trying to fix the state palace which was once a relic of the Dutch era, changed to be softer by highlighting Indonesian characteristics, such as adding furniture with teak carvings from Jepara, installing paintings by Indonesian painters to changing the colors of the buildings to brighter. One of Tien's contributions to this day is always remembered for his idea to build the Beautiful Indonesia Miniature Park (TMII) which until now has become an icon for the Indonesian nation.

End of life

After approximately 47 years of accompanying President Suharto, on April 28, 1966 at Gatot Subroto Hospital, Siti Hartinah breathed her last due to a heart attack. For all his services, Tien was given an honorary title as a National Hero of Indonesia.

11. Hj. Fatmawati Soekarno – Bengkulu

Fatmawati SoekarnoFatmawati is an indigenous woman who was born in Bengkulu, February 5, 1923 to Hassan Din and Siti Chadijah whose parents are both descendants of Puti Indrapura (the royal family of the Indrapura sultanate, Pesisir Selatan, West Sumatra). Fatmawati's father is one of the Muhammadiyah figures in Bengkulu.

When she was 20 years old, Fatmawati married the First President of Indonesia Soekarno on June 1, 1943. Which made Fatmawati automatically become the first First Lady of Indonesia from 1945-1967. Fatmawati is Soekarno's third wife, who has five children, namely Guntur Soekarnoputra, Megawati Soekarnoputri, Rachmawati Soekarnoputri, Sukmawati Soekarnoputri and the last Guruh Soekarnoputra.

Struggle Time

After marriage, Fatmawati accompanied her husband to Jakarta to play an active role and join other national fighters for Indonesian independence. Even Soekarno as the leader of the fighters, always asked Fatmawati for opinions and considerations regarding the steps of her struggle.

On the eve of independence, on August 15, 1945 Fatmawati with a reflective spirit while carrying her first child, Moh. Guntur, who was still a baby, left the city of Jakarta for Rengasdengklok following Soekarno, Hatta and several PETA members.

In addition, Fatmawati as the First Lady of Indonesia is well known as a woman who was instrumental in sewing the Sang Saka Merah Putih flag which was hoisted at the first ceremony of the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence, on August 17, 1945 to be exact.

End of life

On May 14, 1980, at the age of 57, Fatmawati died of a heart attack in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Currently, Fatmawati's name is used as the name of a hospital in Jakarta and a name for an airport in Indonesia, precisely in Bengkulu, where she was born. The struggle of Mrs. Fatmawati since before independence and after independence, was recognized by the Central Government, through Presidential Decree No.118/TK/2000 dated November 4, 2000 as a National Hero of Indonesia.

12. Opu Daeng Risaju – South Sulawesi

Opu Daeng RisadjuOpu Daen Risaju or familiarly known as Famajjah as a child is a National Hero who was born in Palopo in 1880 from the couple Opu Daeng Mawellu and Muhammad Abdullah to Barengseng. The name Opu Daen Risaju is a symbol of the nobility of the Luwu kingdom, a title obtained after marrying her husband, H Muhammad Daud.

Since childhood, Opu Daeng Risaju has never attended a formal school like a Dutch school. However, I have learned a lot about religion and culture. Even though he is illiterate, he understands the Qur'an, Fiqh, Nahwu Sharaf and balaghah because he lives in an aristocratic environment that applies moral values ​​and behavior.

Struggle Time

In 1927, Opu became interested in entering a political organization by becoming a member of the Pare-Pare branch of the Indonesian Islamic Sarekat Party. Because of his activities, he was elected as chairman of the PSII Tanah Luwu Region, Palopo Region, on January 14, 1930. During his leadership at PSII, Opu made religion his foundation and received great support from the people.

The Dutch restrained Opu from continuing his struggle at PSII, because the Dutch did not want Opu to get a lot of popular support. The Dutch together with Controleur Afdeling Masamba considered that Opu had incited the people to distrust the government. Finally, Opu was tried and dethroned and imprisoned for 14 months in 1943.

End of life

During the Revolution, Opi was active again with the youth of South Sulawesi to fight NICA who wanted to colonize Indonesia. Because of his bravery against NICA, Opu became a fugitive from the Dutch in South Sulawesi and eventually tortured Opu until he became deaf and was made an outside prisoner. Opu breathed his last on February 10, 1964. For all his services, Opu Daeng Risaju was given an honorary title as a National Hero.

Great Woman From West Sumatra

1. Rohana Kudus
Rohana Kudus is a multitalented woman who pioneered the emancipation of women, such as RA Kartini. Rohana Kudus is a teacher, founder of a women's school, writer, entrepreneur and also editor-in-chief of various women's newspapers. Rohana Kudus, besides being known as an influential woman in West Sumatra, also speaks three foreign languages, namely Latin Arabic, Malay Arabic and Dutch.

2. Rahmah El Yunusiyah
Rahmah El Yunusiyah is a female cleric from West Sumatra. One proof of her struggle that still exists today is the Padang Panjang Putri Diniyah College. She was also the first woman to receive the title of Sheikh from Egypt's Al-Azhar University, in 1957.

3. Siti Manggopoh
Siti Manggopoh was a female figure who was greatly feared in the pre-independence era. Siti Manggopoh is famous for daring to fight against Dutch economic policies through money taxes (belasting). The belasting regulations made by the Dutch were considered contrary to Minangkabau customs, because the land belonged to the Minangkabau people. As a result of his resistance, the Belasting War occurred on June 16, 1908 which overwhelmed the Dutch and the Minangkabau troops managed to kill 53 soldiers guarding the fort for a ploy arranged by Siti Manggopoh.

written by Adara Primadia 

Akar Kata [Mujarad] Dalam Bahasa Arab

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