Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2018

Manfaat Menggambar dan Mewarnai Bagi Anak-Anak

Menggambar dan mewarnai sangat besar manfaatnya bagi anak-anak. Bagi anak-anak, menggambar dan mewarnai bukan hanya sekedar coretan pada selembar kertas. Tetapi sangat besar manfaatnya, diantaranya dapat melatih anak-anak menggenggam pensil dan mengenal perbedaan warna. Karena menggambar biasanya menggunakan pensil warna sehingga mudah bagi anak-anak untuk membedakan warna yang satu dengan yang lainnya. Manfaat lainnya adalah dapat mengembangkan kemampuan motorik anak. Karena dengan menggambar dan mewarnai membantu meningkatkan kerja otot tangan pada anak. Kegiatan ini juga membiasakandan melatih anak untuk belajar berkonsentrasi. Jika kemampuan berkonsentrasi mampu dikuasasi anak-anak, hal ini akan berguna bagi anak pada saat menyelesaikan tugas yang membutuhkan kosentrasi tinggi.
Psikologis anak juga dapat dilihat dari kegiatan mengambar dan mewarnai ini. Kemampuan atau skill alami anak juga dapat terlihat. Sehingga kita bisa langsung mengetahui mana anak yang berkemampuan lebih, sedang atau bahkan kurang. Emampuan berkreasi, bekerjasama, saling berbagi dan humble dengan sesama teman. Jangan marah dulu jika anak-anak mencoret-coret tembok, karena itu tandanya anak-anak sedang berkreasi dan sedang berimaginasi tinggi. Tugas kita adalah memberikan medianya, sehingga anak-anak tidak lagi mencoret tembok.

Selasa, 23 Oktober 2018

Kegiatan Motorik Anak


Make a colour sorting fine motor toy using coloured matchsticks to sort and drop! Great for little hands to develop that pincer grasp and, concentration and hand:eye co-ordination, as well as begin to differentiate and sort by colour.
Match stick colour drop fine motor sorting game for preschoolers
I made this very simple game for Miss 2 (although her older sisters loved it too!) using an empty plastic food container and some coloured matchsticks.
Match stick colour sorting game
I punctured tiny holes into the top of the lid using a toothpick, then widened them a little using the pointed end of a thin paintbrush, until they were just a tiny bit larger than the matchsticks to pass through.
I used Sharpie markers to colour around each hole to match to the matchsticks and set it up ready to play!
Colour sort and drop fine motor activity

She knew what to do and is particularly keen on all posting and dropping type games at the moment. She started by pushing them through any hole she could find and after a while I showed her that the colours were the same between the sticks and the holes.
She was then able to sort them out and match them to the correct colours by sight, correcting herself on occasion too.Fine motor colour sorting game with match sticks

The action of picking up the sticks and pushing them through the holes required lots of concentration and a tight pincer grasp between finger and thumb, so lots of fine motor exercises were happening while she played!Coloured matchsticks fine motor activity

This is such a simple resource to make and then store in the play cupboard or on a low shelf for self-serve for the little ones.
*Obviously do not leave this sort of toy with children who still like to mouth small objects*
What they are learning as they play:
physical: fine motor control and coordination, pincer grasp, hand:eye coordination
maths: sorting and matching by one criteria (colour)


We have been doing lots of indoor growing recently and planted some beans at the same time that we grew our cress letters last month. This is a really easy, visual way to teach children about root systems and is something I used to do with my school children each Spring time.
Plus it’s very exciting to watch how FAST the plants grow!

All you need for this easy activity is a glass jar or bottle, some cotton wool balls/ wads and a bean!

First of all Cakie stuffed cotton wool balls into a glass jam jar. Then she simply stuck one bean on either side of the jar so that we could watch 2 growing at once. We used butter beans straight out of the packet that we bought in the dried beans and pulses section in the supermarket. (We used these same beans in our Baking Sensory tub!) 
Next, she watered it until the cotton wool was damp but not too wet, and placed the jar in the window.

Within 2-3 days the bean started to sprout a small root, and 2-3 days later it grew these little tendrils.

Another 4-5 days and the bean developed a large network of shoots coming off the main root, and a sturdy stem grew straight upwards and above the top of the cotton wool. It dropped the shrivelled husk of the bean skin and looked ready to open up!

Just a day or so later and 2 big, dark green leaves began to unfurl. Cakie was very excited by this development!

And finally, 4-5 days later the beans were growing very steadily, tall and spindly with large leaves seeking out more sunlight. 
We carefully removed them from the jar and examined the complex network of roots that had, by this time, entangled themselves around the cotton wool balls at the bottom. We teased the roots off the cotton wool and replanted the beans into soil in pots in the garden. The girls watered them and are now watching their rapid growth outside with much excitement!

Kids Science - Eggheads with cress hair

You will need: empty egg shells (try to just break off the top to empty them, so you have a good size shell left to use), felt pens, stick-on wobbly eyes (optional), cotton wool, crees seeds, an empty egg box.
To make them:
1. Wash out the egg shells and sit them in the egg box to keep them steady (on a cotton wool cushion to raise them up a bit if you need to).
2. Draw on some crazy faces, using the goggly eyes if you’ve got some. You could do self-portraits or funny faces (or maybe that’s one and the same thing?)
3. Put some cotton wool inside the shells and dampen them with some water.
4. Sprinkle cress seeds all over the cotton wool – good coverage will give you a full head of hair.
eggheads cress hair eggs
5. Pop them on a windowsill and wait for the hair to sprout. It’ll only take a couple of days.
6. Add a little bit of water if the cotton wool dries out, but not too much.
You can also use grass seeds for this craft. This allows you to give the eggheads a haircut which will grow back ready for a restyle. However you can’t put the grass on your sandwiches!

Kids Science - Celery Experiment/Eksperimen pada Seledri

Celery Science Experiment | P is for Preschooler
  This is a slightly different take on the classic carnation experiment, showing how plants "drink" water and how it goes up the stem and to the leaves. We used celery because 1) it was cheaper and 2) I knew Kay would eat the leftovers. (Have you ever met a 4-year-old who asks for celery? She's the only one I know!)
  I picked 3 glasses and Kay added the water and I even (bravely, I thought) let her put in the food coloring drops (with many admonitions of "be careful" you can be sure!). My not-so-bright idea was to use blue, red and green. Green? They're already green! But I didn't think of that until after it was all set up so we let it be. Then we put in the celery stalks with the bottom cut off and it was time to wait. As you may have already realized, waiting is not a strong point for preschoolers, so after checking it every few minutes and finding no change, she pretty much forgot about it. 
Celery science experiment food coloring water stalks preschoolers
  In a few hours there was a tint of red in the celery in the red cup, but the others showed nothing. Next day same thing, so I made a few changes. First, I added a few more drops of food coloring. I also put in some stalks with lighter leaves.
Celery leaves food coloring preschooler science
  By day 3, there was recognizable colors in the tips of the lighter leaves and day 4 you could really see the colors. Day 4 was also the last day of our experiment because the celery leaves were getting too crinkly to continue. We examined the leaves, pointing out the colors.
Results celery experiment for preschoolers red leaves
The red really showed up well, which may have had to do with the leaves being especially light in that cup. 
Blue leaves celery experiment preschoolers science
The blue also did pretty well.
Celery experiment for preschoolers green stalks
Surprisingly, the green food coloring did show up, but you would only know if you were looking for it because, well, leaves are already green! My only suggestion would be -don't use green food coloring for green celery stalks!

Minggu, 21 Oktober 2018

8 Practical Tips for Successful Dawah

As Muslims, we know each one of us has a duty in calling people towards Allah and Islam. We are surrounded by friends at school/college or co workers at work along with neighbors of different faiths.  While some may have a good knowledge about Islam, others might be clueless about our faith and its principles.

If you’ve ever wondered how you can present Islam to others without sounding preachy or boring, read on.

1. Know your audience
This is crucial and goes without saying. However, while giving Dawah to others, we often tend to overlook who we are talking to. Analyze the person/audience to see where they are coming from, what their beliefs are, how their upbringing was, what they feel is acceptable and what isn’t, what their educational background looks like, their financial status, etc.

Once you have done your homework about these aspects, it will be much easier to present Islam to them. Remember, what works for one person/group may not work for another. Assessing your audience will lead to an engagement that’s productive and fruitful. 

2. Know when to say what
There is a time for educating others about Islam and there is a time to remain silent rather than react. As much as you would like to tell people about Islam, there is a time and place for everything, so before you go overboard and get too excited, assess the situation at hand and the people you are surrounded with before giving Dawah. Remember, if what you are going to say will bring more harm than good to the situation you find yourself in, it is always better to choose silence over anything else.

3. Patience
Just because you’ve given Dawah does not mean that someone will come running over to utter his/her Shahadah. It does not always work like that. Patience goes a long way in bringing fruitful results. There are countless stories of reverts who’ve spent decades trying to give Dawah to their parents or siblings but have seen them refuse to accept Islam. Nuh AS gave dawah for 900 years but only had a handful of people accepted his call of Tawheed! Patience and perseverance are two essential qualities of a da’ee. Most importantly, your job is only to convey the message – not force others to accept it.

4. Dawah doesn’t depend upon you
The outcome of your Dawah depends on Allah. Your job was only to deliver the message, so don’t take it personally if someone refuses to see your point of view.

5. Your character is crucial
Sometimes, how much we speak about Islam and its teachings does not matter. What matters is our character and conduct. The best form of Dawah is through action. Your character, how you carry yourself in front of others, how you react to different situations that life throws at you, how you treat your parents, spouse, children or neighbors, how you complete your work at office or how you manage to control your anger and respond with kindness will have a direct effect on the people around you.

These little acts of yours on a daily basis can leave a much greater impact. Non verbal forms of Dawah are just as powerful as verbal dawah. Most of the time, what you *do* is more important than what you say.

You may also like: Jannah Described in the Holy Quran

6. Be knowledgeable
Non Muslims have many questions about Islam that require good knowledge backed with evidence from the Quran and Sunnah. In your free time, make sure to learn more about Islam, about the Seerah, about the lives of other Prophets and their nations. Dig deeper to see how the Sahabas and the later generations dealt with various issues that were surfacing in the Muslim Ummah.

Most importantly, study the life of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in depth, for his actions, behavior towards others and how he dealt with differences can equip you with the much needed wisdom and knowledge you need while giving Dawah to others.

Non Muslims know we hold Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in high regard but most of them wonder why. Don’t just give them vague facts and figures which they can find on Google or Wikipedia. Bring his character to life by emulating what he said and what he did. With each step that you take on this planet, let others know that you are trying your best to follow the footsteps of the greatest man ﷺ that ever lived on Earth. Through your actions, make his teachings come alive.

7. It’s not speech alone
When we talk about Dawah, we often imagine ourselves standing with pamphlets or CDs in marketplaces and calling random strangers who are walking around…asking if they have some time…and then going ahead to speak about Islam. But you know what…. there are many ways in which you can give Dawah. Speaking to strangers or on a public platform may not be everyone’s cup of tea. Some may not even be comfortable talking to their far off relatives!

Therefore, talking to complete strangers or giving speeches in public may not be a feasible option to consider for many. However, you can always show people what Islam is about through your actions. You can write and post about Islam and its teachings on social media for non Muslims to read. You can make animations to tell a story or teach others about the virtues of Islam. The choices are limitless. 

8. Stay close to the Quran
When Aisha RA was asked how the Prophet ﷺ was, she said he was like a walking Quran – meaning …his actions, character, speech and behavior were a complete reflection of the verses mentioned in the Quran. Therefore, the closer your relationship is with the Quran, the more amazing your character will be. After all, a beautiful character can win millions of hearts and have a much greater impact on the society as opposed to sugar coated words that are not followed by meaningful action. 

Over to you…what are some of the important things to keep in mind while giving Dawah? Please list them in the comments section below.

The Sahaba Radiallahu anhum had many good qualities. Our elders have extracted six such qualities which if we bring into our lives, then to follow the rest of Deen will be easy.
The first quality was the quality of Iman. The kalima Lailaha Illallah Muhammadur Rasulullah, means that there is none worthy of worship but Allah and Muhammed Sallallahu alaihi wasallam is the messenger of Allah.
The Sahaba Radiallahu anhum strove in the path of Allah to strengthen their yaqeen that Allah Ta’ala does everything without the help of the creation, and the creation can do nothing without the help of Allah Ta’ala. They also strengthened their yaqeen that ONLY in following the life style of Nabi Karim Sallallahu alaihi wasallam will a person be successful. All other ways of life will bring failure to a person not only in this world but also in the grave and the hereafter.
This kalima is so valuable that if a person recites it 100 times a day, his face will shine like the 14th moon. A person who revives one sunnah of Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam during the time of fitnah and fasad, will get the reward of 100 shaheeds. A shaheed is that person who fought in the path of Allah Ta’ala, and before his first drop of blood touches the ground, all his sins are forgiven.
To obtain the reality of this kalima, a person must daily invite towards this kalima and he must also make dua that Allah Ta’ala places the reality of this kalima into our hearts.
The second quality which the Sahaba possessed was the quality of salaah. The first and foremost thing ordained by Allah Ta’ala after Iman was salaah, and the first thing to be reckoned for on the day of Qiyamah will be salaah.
Salaah is a means by which a person comes closer to Allah Ta’ala, and also a means of taking from the treasures of Allah Ta’ala. Allah Ta’ala will grant a person in the habit of performing his salaah on time with concentration and devotion, five favours:

1. His rizq (sustenance) will be made easy.
2. He will be safe from the punishment of the grave.
3. He will receive his book of deeds in his right hand.
4. He will cross the bridge of siraat with the speed of lightning.
5. He will enter Jannah without any reckoning.
6. To acquire concentration in salaah, a person must perform long rakaats of nafl salaah.

It is obligatory on every male and female to acquire the basic knowledge of Deen. One should know what is halaal and what is haraam, and must be able to distinguish between right and wrong.
If a person who is ignorant and is in the process of learning Deen has to pass away, his status will be just one below the Ambiyaa Alaihimus Salaam. The angels spread their wings under the feet of a person seeking the knowledge of Deen. The animals in the jungle, the birds in the air and the fish in the sea make dua of forgiveness for him.
For the fazaail [virtues] one must participate in the taalim of the masjid and one must also make taalim at home. For the masaail we should ask the Ulama.
All the creation of Allah make the zikr of Allah. Man who is the best of creation must also make the zikr of Allah. The one who makes the zikr of Allah is like a living person and the one who does not make the zikr of Allah is like a dead person. Zikr creates the consciousness of Allah, that Allah is all- seeing and al- hearing. A person who remembers Allah after Fajr salaah and after Asr salaah is like a person who makes zikr of Allah all day long.
Make a habit of reciting the third kalima, durood shareef and istighfaar 100 times each after the Fajr and Asr salaah. Read a portion of the Quran and the duas on the relevant occasions.
A person who fulfills the need of a Muslim brother, Allah Ta’ala will grant him 73 rewards. 72 will be kept in the aakhirah, and with the one reward, Allah will fulfil all his needs of the world.
We must respect the elders and the Ulama and be kind to the youth. The best ikraam one can do for a person during the time of fitnah and fasaad is to guide him onto the right path.
For every act, one must check one’s intention, that it is only for the pleasure of Allah. A date given in the path of Allah for the pleasure of Allah will earn great rewards in the hereafter. On the other hand if a person gave a great sum of money for the sake of show, then he will be taken to task on the day of Qiyaamah. We must check our intentions in the beginning, in the middle and at the end of every act, thereafter make istighfaar for any shortcoming in our intentions.
The Sahaba Radiallahu anhum strove in the path of Allah Ta’ala to elevate the name of Allah. To uphold the Deen of Allah, they went through great difficulties. Some of them made their wives widows and their children orphans. There were days when some of the Sahaba had no food in their homes. During the battle of the trench, a Sahabi told Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam that he was hungry for the past three days. He uncovered his stomach to show that he had a stone fastened on his stomach to keep his back upright. Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam felt sorry and told him that he was also hungry for the last three or four days. Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam showed him his stomach and told him to observe that he had two stones fastened on his belly.
Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam and the Sahaba Radiallahu anhum watered the garden of Islam with their blood. Today our elders want us to sacrifice only a little of our sweat in the path of Allah. Alhamdulillah with the effort of jamaat, extemely great changes are occuring throughout the world. Hence, let us also give some time in the path of Allah to bring Deen into our lives and into the lives of the whole of mankind till the day of Qiyaamah.
Kisah Isra Miraj Rasulullah SAW

Atap rumahku terbelah ketika saya berada di Mekkah dalam keadaan antara tidur dan terjaga, lalu turunlah Jibril -’alaihis salam- dan membelah dadaku. Kemudian dia mencucinya dengan air zam-zam, lalu dia datang dengan membawa sebuah baskom dari emas yang penuh berisi hikmah dan iman dan menuangkannya ke dalam dadaku, kemudian dia menutupnya (dadaku).Kemudian Didatangkan kepadaku Buraaq – yaitu yaitu hewan putih yang panjang, lebih besar dari keledai dan lebih kecil dari baghal, dia meletakkan telapak kakinya di ujung pandangannya (maksudnya langkahnya sejauh pandangannya). Maka sayapun menungganginya sampai tiba di Baitul Maqdis, lalu saya mengikatnya di tempat yang digunakan untuk mengikat tunggangan para Nabi. Kemudian saya masuk ke masjid dan shalat 2 rakaat kemudian keluar. Kemudian datang kepadaku Jibril  ‘alaihis salaam dengan membawa bejana berisi  khamar dan bejana berisi air susu. Aku memilih bejana yang berisi air susu. Jibril kemudian berkata : “ Engkau telah memilih (yang sesuai) fitrah”.

Kemudian Jibril naik bersamaku  ke langit (pertama) dan Jibril meminta dibukakan pintu, maka dikatakan (kepadanya):“Siapa engkau?” Dia menjawab:“Jibril”. Dikatakan lagi: “Siapa yang bersamamu?” Dia menjawab:“Muhammad” Dikatakan:“Apakah dia telah diutus?” Dia menjawab:“Dia telah diutus”. Maka dibukakan bagi kami (pintu langit) dan saya bertemu dengan Adam. Beliau menyambutku dan mendoakan kebaikan untukku. Kemudian kami naik ke langit kedua, lalu Jibril ‘alaihis salaam  meminta dibukakan pintu, maka dikatakan (kepadanya):“Siapa engkau?” Dia menjawab: “Jibril”. Dikatakan lagi:“Siapa yang bersamamu?” Dia menjawab:“Muhammad” Dikatakan:“Apakah dia telah diutus?” Dia menjawab:“Dia telah diutus”. Maka dibukakan bagi kami (pintu langit kedua) dan saya bertemu dengan Nabi ‘Isa bin Maryam dan Yahya bin Zakariya shallawatullahi ‘alaihimaa, Beliau berdua menyambutku dan mendoakan kebaikan untukku.

Kemudian Jibril naik bersamaku  ke langit ketiga dan Jibril meminta dibukakan pintu, maka dikatakan (kepadanya):“Siapa engkau?” Dia menjawab:“Jibril”. Dikatakan lagi: “Siapa yang bersamamu?” Dia menjawab:“Muhammad” Dikatakan:“Apakah dia telah diutus?” Dia menjawab:“Dia telah diutus”. Maka dibukakan bagi kami (pintu langit ketiga) dan saya bertemu dengan Yusuf ‘alaihis salaam yang beliau telah diberi separuh dari kebagusan(wajah). Beliau menyambutku dan mendoakan kebaikan untukku. Kemudian Jibril naik bersamaku  ke langit keempat dan Jibril meminta dibukakan pintu, maka dikatakan (kepadanya):“Siapa engkau?” Dia menjawab:“Jibril”. Dikatakan lagi: “Siapa yang bersamamu?” Dia menjawab: “Muhammad” Dikatakan: “Apakah dia telah diutus?” Dia menjawab: “Dia telah diutus”. Maka dibukakan bagi kami (pintu langit keempat) dan saya bertemu dengan  Idris alaihis salaam. Beliau menyambutku dan mendoakan kebaikan untukku. Allah berfirman yang artinya : “Dan Kami telah mengangkatnya ke martabat yang tinggi” (Maryam:57).

Kemudian Jibril naik bersamaku  ke langit kelima dan Jibril meminta dibukakan pintu, maka dikatakan (kepadanya):“Siapa engkau?” Dia menjawab:“Jibril”. Dikatakan lagi: “Siapa yang bersamamu?” Dia menjawab:“Muhammad” Dikatakan:“Apakah dia telah diutus?” Dia menjawab:“Dia telah diutus”. Maka dibukakan bagi kami (pintu langit kelima) dan saya bertemu dengan  Harun ‘alaihis salaam. Beliau menyambutku dan mendoakan kebaikan untukku.

Kemudian Jibril naik bersamaku  ke langit keenam dan Jibril meminta dibukakan pintu, maka dikatakan (kepadanya): “Siapa engkau?” Dia menjawab:“Jibril”. Dikatakan lagi: “Siapa yang bersamamu?” Dia menjawab: “Muhammad” Dikatakan: “Apakah dia telah diutus?” Dia menjawab:“Dia telah diutus”. Maka dibukakan bagi kami (pintu langit) dan saya bertemu dengan Musa. Beliau menyambutku dan mendoakan kebaikan untukku. Kemudian Jibril naik bersamaku  ke langit ketujuh dan Jibril meminta dibukakan pintu, maka dikatakan (kepadanya): “Siapa engkau?” Dia menjawab: “Jibril”. Dikatakan lagi: “Siapa yang bersamamu?” Dia menjawab, “Muhammad” Dikatakan, “Apakah dia telah diutus?” Dia menjawab, “Dia telah diutus”. Maka dibukakan bagi kami (pintu langit ketujuh) dan saya bertemu dengan Ibrahim. Beliau sedang menyandarkan punggunya ke Baitul Ma’muur. Setiap hari masuk ke Baitul Ma’muur tujuh puluh ribu malaikat yang tidak kembali lagi. Kemudian Ibrahim pergi bersamaku ke Sidratul Muntaha. Ternyata daun-daunnya seperti telinga-telinga gajah dan buahnya seperti tempayan besar. Tatkala dia diliputi oleh perintah Allah, diapun berubah sehingga tidak ada seorangpun dari makhluk Allah yang sanggup mengambarkan keindahannya

 Lalu Allah mewahyukan kepadaku apa yang Dia wahyukan. Allah mewajibkan kepadaku 50 shalat sehari semalam. Kemudian saya turun menemui Musa ’alaihis salam.  Lalu dia bertanya: “Apa yang diwajibkan Tuhanmu atas ummatmu?”. Saya menjawab: “50 shalat”. Dia berkata: “Kembalilah kepada Tuhanmu dan mintalah keringanan, karena sesungguhnya ummatmu tidak akan mampu mengerjakannya. Sesungguhnya saya telah menguji dan mencoba Bani Isra`il”. Beliau bersabda :“Maka sayapun kembali kepada Tuhanku seraya berkata: “Wahai Tuhanku, ringankanlah untuk ummatku”. Maka dikurangi dariku 5 shalat. Kemudian saya kembali kepada Musa dan berkata:“Allah mengurangi untukku 5 shalat”. Dia berkata:“Sesungguhnya ummatmu tidak akan mampu mengerjakannya, maka kembalilah kepada Tuhanmu dan mintalah keringanan”. Maka terus menerus saya pulang balik antara Tuhanku Tabaraka wa Ta’ala dan Musa ‘alaihis salaam, sampai pada akhirnya Allah berfirman:“Wahai Muhammad, sesungguhnya ini adalah 5 shalat sehari semalam, setiap shalat (pahalanya) 10, maka semuanya 50 shalat. Barangsiapa yang meniatkan kejelekan lalu dia tidak mengerjakannya, maka tidak ditulis (dosa baginya) sedikitpun. Jika dia mengerjakannya, maka ditulis(baginya) satu kejelekan”. Kemudian saya turun sampai saya bertemu dengan Musa’alaihis salaam seraya aku ceritakan hal ini kepadanya. Dia berkata: “Kembalilah kepada Tuhanmu dan mintalah keringanan”, maka sayapun berkata: “Sungguh saya telah kembali kepada Tuhanku sampai sayapun malu kepada-Nya”. (H.R Muslim 162)
Lagu anak-anak untuk pembelajaran bahasa Arab 2

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Lihat KebunKu

اُنْظُرْ بُسْـتَانِيْ
مَلِـيْءٌ بِالزُّهُوْر
مِنْهَا أَبْيَضُ وَمِنْهَا أَحْمَرُ
أَنَا أَسْـقِـيْهَا
فِيْ كُلِّ يَـوْمٍ
وَرْدَةْ يـَاسَمِـينْ
كُـلُّهاَ جَمِـيْـلٌ

عِنْدِيْ خَمْسُ بَالُوْنَاتْ
مُتَنَوِّعَةُ الْأَلْوَانْ
أَخْضَرْ أَصْفَرْ وَأَرْمَدْ
أَحْمَرْ زَاهِي وَأَزْرَقْ
يَنْفَجِرْ بِالُوْنْ أَخْضَرْ دَرْ......
 فَقَلِقَ فُوَادِيْ
يَبْقَى اْلبَالُوْن أَرْبَعَةْ
أَمْسِكُهَا بِقُوَّة

حُبُّ الأُمِ

حُبُّ الأُمِ تِجَهَا النَّفْسِ . لَأُقْسِهِ فِيْ وَلَا عُمْرِ

اِنَّ مَا تُعْطِيْ لاَتَرْجُزَجَئِى . كَأَنَّ الشَّمْسَ تُنَوِّرُ الدُنْيَيَا

                                                                   Kasih Ibu

Kasih Ibu kepada Beta, tak terhingga sepanjang masa

Hanya memberi tak harap kembali, bagai sang surya menyinari dunia

واحد – واحد

نَمْرَةْ الأُوْلىَ اَنَا اَرْحَمْ أُمِيْ , نَمْرَةْ الثًّانِيَةْ اَنَا أَرْحَمْ أَبِيْ

نَمْرَةْ الثَالِثَةْ اَنًا أَرْحَمْ اِخْوَانِيْ , وَاحِدْ اِثْنَيْن ثَلَاثَةْ اَرْحَمْ جَمِيْعَهُمْ


Satu-satu aku sayang Ibu, dua-dua juga sayang ayah, tiga-tiga sayang adik kakak, satu-dua-tiga sayang semuanya

Naik Kereta Api

اَنَا اَرْكَبُ القِطَارْ تُوتْ تُوتْ تُوتْ

حَيَّ بِنَا نَسْتَرِقْ . اِلَى بَنْدُوجْ سُوْرَابَايَا

لاَبَأْسَ اَنْ تَرْكَبَ مَجَاناَ

Naik kereta api … tut … tut … tut

Siapa hendak turut

Ke Bandung … Surabaya

Bolehlah naik dengan percuma

Ayo temanku lekas naik

Keretaku tak berhenti lama
Cepat kretaku jalan …tut…tut…tut

Banyak penumpang turut

K’retaku sudah penat

Karena beban terlalu berat

Di sinilah ada stasiun

Penumpang semua turun
Lagu anak-anak untuk pembelajaran bahasa Arab

Bisa dinyanyikan dengan lagu Burung Hantu.

10 malaikat yang wajib kita imani
Jibril menyampaikan wahyu
Mikail membagi rezeki
Isroil mencabut nyawa
Isrofil tiup sangkakala
Malik menjaga neraka
Ridwan menjaga syurga
Roqib(prok3x) atid (prok3x)
Catat amal kita
Munkar(prok3x) nankir(prok3x)
Tanya dlam kubur

Lagu ini bisa dinyanyikan dengan nasyid 'Rasul Menyuruh Kita - Bimbo'. 

Rasul Mencontohkan Kita
Makan dg Tangan Kanan

Rasul Mencontohkan Kita
Minum dg Tangan Kanan

Rasul Mencontohkan Kita
Makan Minum Sambil Duduk

Kita Cinta akan Rasul
Ikut Contoh Rasulullah

Kita Cinta akan Rasul
Bersama Rasul di Syurga

Lagu ini dinyanyikan dengan lagu "ADA ANAK BARU"
Nol itu nol nol tidak ada ,
satu itu satu satu Tuhan saya,
dua itu dua dua mata saya,
tiga itu tiga roda beca,
empat itu empat empat kaki kuda,
lima itu lima lima rukun islam.
satu syahadat dua sholat tiga puasa empat zakat lima naik haji ...
(kemudian dilanjutkan lagu rukun islam dngan nada balon ku)

6 itu 6, 6 rukun iman
7 itu 7, hr dlm seminggu 8 itu 8, kaki laba2
9 itu 9, angka istimewa 10 itu 10, jari tngan sy

Lagunya bisa menggunakan lagu "Soleram".
Tema :Hewan
Lirik :Soleram
By : Nurul Yasmin

Kucing Qitthun
Burung Thoiyrun
Monyet Qirdun
Kambing Qhonamun

Anjing Kalbun
Onta itu Jamalun
semut Namlun
Gajah itu Fiilun

Elang Sakirun
Singa Asadun
Ikan samakun
Buaya Timsahun

Udang Jambariyun
Gurita Uktubat sayang
Siput Haladun
Lumba-lumba Dolfun

Lagu ini adalah lagu bahasa Arab dari "Satu-satu" Aku Sayng Ibu".
wahid"uhibu umi,isnain"uhibu abi,
salasa uhibu ahusni wa shogir,
wahid,isnain,salasa,ana uhibukum..

 Nada yang dipakai adalah lagu "Satu-satu Aku Sayag Ibu".
wahidun itu angka satu,
itsnaeni itu angka dua,
tsalasatun itu angka tiga..

liyadani yumna wa yusro
fiqulliyadin khomsu ashobi'a
hiya ibhamu, asaa babatu, alwusto albinsoru al khinsoru..
kupunya tangan kanan dan kiri
setiap tangan ada 5 jari
dia ibu jari, jari telunjuk, jari tengah,jari manis dan kelingking..

 Irama yang digunakan untuk menyanyikan lagu ini adalah lagu berjudul "indung indung".

'Ainun mata,udzunun telinga,anfun hidung,fa'mun mulut,ro-sun kepala, sya'run rambut...yaddun tangan rijlun kaki...kikikiki....
Sinnun gigi,syafatun bibir,khoddun pipi,lisaanun lidah,dzaqonun dagu,jabhatun dahi...'unuqun leher katifun pundak...

 Irama yang digunakan untuk menyanyikan lagu ini adalah lagu berjudul "indung indung".

Aswadu hitam,abyadu putih,ashfaru kuning,ahmaru merah,azroqu biru,akhdoru hijau...armadu abu-abu asmaru coklat..

 Irama yang digunakan untuk menyanyikan lagu ini adalah lagu berjudul "indung indung".

Baqorotun sapi,gonamun kambing,dajaajatun ayam,hishoonun kuda,fiilun gajah,qittun kucing,thoo-irun burung,asadun singa.....haummmmmm....

Lagu ini bisa dinyanyikan dengn Irama lagu "cucokrowo"

Mirsamun2x itu pensil,
daftarun2x itu buku,mimsahatun hapusan,
misthorotun penggaris,
sikkinun itu rautan....

Nada: yang dipakai untuk menyanyikan lagu ini adalah "Naik ke puncak gunung".

Rambut sa’run, mata ‘ainun
Hidung anfun, mulut faamun
Gigi sinnun, lidah lisanun
Kuping uzunun, leher ‘unuqun
{Dada shodrun, perut bathnun
Tangan yadun, kaki rijlun (2x)}.

Lagu: ini dinyanyikan dengan irama lagu "anak gembala".

wahidun 1
,itsnani 2
arba'atun 4,
khomsatun 5
,sittatun 6,

tis'atun 9,lalala .'asyaroh 10..

Akar Kata [Mujarad] Dalam Bahasa Arab

Umumnya atau mayoritas akar kata dalam bahasa Arab terdiri dari 3 huruf  biasanya berharakat fathah.  Akar kata bahasa Arab ini biasanya  ad...